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Download game ghost recon advanced warfighter 2 pc

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Download game ghost recon advanced warfighter 2 pc.Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter 2 Free Download 



Download game ghost recon advanced warfighter 2 pc.Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Free Download

  Nov 17,  · How to Download & Install Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Click the Download button below and you should be redirected to UploadHaven. Wait 5 seconds and click on the blue ‘download now’ button. Now let the download begin and wait for it to ted Reading Time: 3 mins. 9 rows · Apr 25,  · Download Games & Demos Mods & Add-Ons Patches Tools . Jan 03,  · Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter 2 Free Download PC Gama setup in single direct link for windows. It is a tactical shooter game. Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter 2 Overview.  

- Download game ghost recon advanced warfighter 2 pc


And thankfully, as any great sequel should be, it was overall better than the first one. The Tom Clancy games have always been pretty popular. And even with their strong rivalries, they have with some of the best selling series out there like Call of Duty or Battlefield , they've always managed to be different.

These series of games are war games, but they are not your usual shooter game. Known for mixing strategy, action, and tactical elements, they are unique among war games. But there are very different games under the Tom Clancy name series , so let's just focus on the one at hand at the moment.

The events of GRAW 2 takes place a short time after what happened in its predecessor. We play as Captain Scott Mitchell, and along with the Ghost squad, we are tasked to infiltrate the location. Once there you must protect it from the insurgents that attempt to break the negotiations of security between the U. And you'll have to do all of this without letting it be public that there's a Ghost Squad, U. Military forces, in Mexican soil. The plot sounds pretty interesting, and while it is, it is wasted by not-so-good narration.

But the good thing about it is that, even though it's not surprising or new, it is good enough to keep us engaged. The best part about the narrative is the cinematographic elements and the clear inspiration in war movies. The interactions and characters are also improved. There are new mechanics, but they mostly went ahead and improved the ones already present in the past game. This is nice since it makes the game feel much better than the past one.

The A. We must remember that even though it launched the same year as Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 4, it is a much more tactical game. This is the main difference between the campaign mode of those two games, whereas in COD you'll be on a more direct battlefield, with cool action scenes and explosions everywhere.

Playing the GRAW 2 campaign is more about keeping it tactical. But still, in both of these games, the campaign mode is pretty much secondary. In this kind of game, the online aspect is incredibly important, and GRAW 2 developers knew this. They polished most of the issues present in its predecessor while adding new amazing modes, maps and more.

A more polished, more cinematographic and overall better experience than its predecessor, GRAW 2 delivers. There are some issues here and there, especially with the narrative of the story, but the Online mode compensates most of these. If you're going to play this title don't settle for the campaign, go for the online. Graphics and Visuals: Just like its predecessor, the visuals are stunning. They were amazing especially for the time they released it.

It even has cinematographic-like effects. Gameplay: Thanks to the improved A. There are some annoying difficulty spikes though, so you have to keep that in mind. Trying to master the online mode is tough, but rewarding. Sound: The soundtrack is pretty much what you'd expect from a war game or an action movie.

The sound effects and the audio mix is pretty good though, the voice acting is good, not amazing, but it's good. There Are Sequels and then there are follow-ups. Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 is most definitely the latter, a game that bears more resemblance to an overinflated add-on though admittedly a highly adept one than a fully fledged sequel.

Of course, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with follow-ups. They're often just as much fun as their predecessors; sometimes even more so. It's just that to call them fully fledged sequels can be tad misleading. Take this tense and generally adept team-based tactical shooter. It's perfectly playable, highly enjoyable and, on the whole, well designed. But as you and your team of three specialforces Ghosts slink from shadow to shadow dispatching enemies with pinpoint headshots, it's impossible not be haunted by a niggling sense that you've been here before.

And in a way, you have. Reprising your role as team leader Captain Scott Mitchell - an overconfident stereotype with a Marlboro rasp - you, along with your team of soldiers, must prevent a Mexican uprising from spilling over into the US of A. Of course, if there's one thing worse than an uprising, it's an uprising involving the possession of nuclear weapons.

With just 72 hours before the insurgents launch a few dozen megatons into the Land of the Free, you and your fellow special-ops warriors must track down and incapacitate all American-hating Mexicans by any means at your disposal. Armed with futuristic weaponry after all, this is , including floating scout drones and the Cross-Com 2. Each mission kicks off with an in-depth briefing during which somewhat bizarrely you're treated to real-life video footage of the war zone and animated snippets from a blustery general who tells you what's on the menu for the forthcoming operation.

Once you've absorbed all this information, it's time to equip yourself with hardware and select your team from a collection of soldiers, each with their own abilities and personality. Well, that's if you count a one-paragraph description of their characters as a personality. With the formalities over, it's time to get dropped into the war zone. Disappointingly, at no point does this involve being pushed out of an aircraft at several thousand feet and marvelling at the beauty of the world below you as in the original ; instead, you're unceremoniously shipped from one place to the next via a chopper.

Practical, perhaps, but where's the panache? So you've made it to the ground, your heart pounding furiously in syncopated beats to the whopping of the chopper's rotors as it makes its way back to base. Dust clouds drift across abandoned roads, while burntout windows keep a silent vigil on the deserted streets.

Somewhere within the confines of this concrete maze is the enemy, waiting, watching, fingers brushing triggers with impatient strokes. Your team stand together, covering every angle, as you study your tacticafmap, pondering which route to take through the superbly designed level, a battlefield with a thousand opportunities for the canny commander to exploit.

The crumbling town exudes detail and realism. Only something's wrong. An irksome voice in the 6ack of your head keeps saying: "I've seen this all before, I've seen this all before.

The eerie puffs of dust. The enemies entrenched behind abandoned trucks and behind stacked sandbags. And then it hits you like a tank shell. You have seen it all before, because it's just like playing the original all over again. That's not to say that this is a bad thing. GRAW was an outstanding game, and in many ways, so is this follow-up.

While a nagging sense of deja vu does tug at you like an insistent puppy on a shoelace, you'll also quickly find yourself immersed in the hugely entertaining adventure that unfolds before your unblinking, thousand-yard stare. Perhaps the most striking difference between the two games is the variety of locations. Unlike its city-centric predecessor, GRAW 2 makes many more detours into refreshing new locales, including fortified haciendas, meandering mountainous regions and searing desert expanses where the Itareless soldier will quickly lose his head to a distant sniper.

One mission may see you stalking through the rubble of a Mexican town, 'slicing the pie' slowly peering round while presenting the smallest possible target at every corner in a painstaking and brutally tense game of feline and rodent with the insurgents, using every hole in every wall to zoom in on an unsuspecting, exposed enemy head far off into the distance.

Your next mission will have, you running from one point Ipf cover to the next, attempting to traverse a sprawling expanse of sand, skipping past bullets as you meander towards a heavily defended enemy base. Each and every mission has been superbly designed, with gameplay often striking that elusive balance between action, tactics and realism. The more hardcore Ghosts will no doubt head straight for the merciless hardest difficulty setting, which should keep you occupied for hours.

If you're more soft-centred, meanwhile, you'll probably find a good hours of testing entertainment on the still highly challenging yet thankfully, not frustratingly so normal setting. In fact, had it not been for the 'save anywhere' option, these numbers could easily have been doubled, as the temptation to simply slap the save key every 20 paces is all too easy to succumb to.

The sheer attention to detail is also impressive. You and your team move with lifelike realism, stalking with raised guns and running with lowered weapons. Spot the enemy and you can hurl yourself onto the ground mid-sprint and monitor their movements with the superbly clear nightvision goggles. The physics are also of a high standard, despite the odd falling-through-treacle death animation. Glass shatters, sparks fly, vehicles buck as they're riddled with bullets and enemies crumple into broken heaps after you've introduced their craniums to a hail of lead.

Now for the bad news. As well as borrowing many of the fine features that made its predecessor so enthralling, GRAW 2 also makes the cardinal mistake of carrying over many of its shortfalls.

Given that tactical shooters such as this sell themselves on the premise of realism, it's always heartbreaking to find Al that's more artificial ignorance than artificial intelligence. For starters, your team-mates are morons.

The whole idea of having a group of highly trained Al operatives under your command and a superbly streamlined context-sensitive interface to order them around with where you simply point to where you want them to go and press a button to execute the order is that they actually do what you tell them to.

Your soldiers are supposed to move and respond like a well-oiled machine, with discipline garnered from months of being yelled at by a booming sergeant-major and forced to clean out the latrines with their tongues.

Yet for some reason they do the exact opposite. Tell them to take cover behind a wall and one of them will amble into a nearby enemy-held street, soak up a few bullets, complain he's being hit and then die.

The other two will take up random positions within a six-mile radius of the wall I'm exaggerating for effect, but I think you get the point , and stand around idly like they're in the middle of Manchester city centre rather than a war zone. Strangely enough, GRAW 2 actually becomes a better game once your team has been wiped out Free from the threat of your idiotic sidekicks betraying your position every few minutes, the game suddenly takes on a new level of stealth and tension as you creep around on a solo crusade to complete your goals and prevent the US from turning into a steaming wasteland of plutonium-soaked debris.

If you play it smart, use stealth and utilise your surroundings, you'll find it more than possible to complete your tasks alone. You'll also have a blast. As if to redress the balance, your enemies often though not always prove equally inept. As you wander around, you simply can't help but feel that the enemy has been mechanically dropped in by a designer. And while the insurgents do patrol and sometimes seek out and utilise cover, more often than not they just stand around staring into the horizon even when you're right in front of them and rarely employ recognisable teamwork.

It's a problem that's particularly evident in night missions. Ultimately, your greatest challenge will come in identifying and neutralising entrenched snipers, who shoot with deadly accuracy and are often ensconced in far-off hiding places. More of a shuffle forward than a leap, GRAW 2 can't really be described as the definitive next chapter of the Ghost Recon franchise.



Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - Download for PC Free.


Always disable your anti virus before extracting the game to prevent it from deleting the crack files. If you need additional help, click here. You will be able to see what your friendly forces see in the top left display and the click of a button will expand that to full-screen view for a clearer and more precise picture.

This will give you a more comprehensive view of the entire battlefield. Windows Games War Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Download Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 now and discover this military strategy adventure in which you will have to lead your soldiers to victory Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Requirements and additional information:. The demo allows us to play the first mission in the campaign mode.

Antony Peel. Software languages. As you open your parachute, you're jerked about violently, your neck snaps up to see a parachute, then is jolted down to see your legs hooray. Spinning in arcing loops and absorbing the views, you eventually come to rest on an abandoned motorway. In a matter of seconds you've gone from the arse of a military plane to the heart of Mexico City in about as accurate a way as current technology will allow. And it's breathtaking. Not to be confused with the Xbox 'equivalent', the PC version of Clancy's squad-based shooter is a far more tactical game with a much better introduction , and in typical Clancy near-future style sees you dealing with a rebel uprising in Mexico City putting the president's life in danger.

The console version is a noteworthy game in its own right, but is so far removed from the PC game that it's difficult even to draw comparison. In place of the 's arcadestyle, third-person view and simplified tactics, you have a semi-realistic feel, a solid first-person view and advanced tactical options which you'll depend on heavily throughout the game.

Specifically, the tactical map has been hugely improved from the 36O's, allowing waypoints and individual orders; the third-person view has been dropped completely; and the difficulty has been ramped up to promote strategic play.

It's a different game, and it's arguably prettier too if you can afford to bump up the visual sliders, with subtle HDR effects and normal mapping adding immense amounts of detail. But why the different versions? Well, rather than developing a straight port. Red Storm dished out their art assets, script design brief and a picture of Tom Clancy looking angry to a mostly unknown Norwegian developer, Grin Software, and let them do their own thing albeit under the close supervision of Ubisoft.

And what Grin Software have done with the Clancy licence is simply astonishing. I hear you cry. I've seen this already. This looks like a game I've played. That insurgent right there, I've widowed his wife and unfathered his children twice before. What's the difference? Well yes, urban warfare is in fashion right now and yes, you've shot down rebels in the streets before - but what Advanced Warfighter offers is a far more varied and atmospheric environment than any other squad-based shooter.

OK, so I've never been le megalopolis of Mexico City, but has confirmed that many of the city's ed landmarks are intact and accurately oduced. Lead your squad down the jo de la Reforma, call in airstrikes over ngel, fight in other places that may or not have any meaning to you, but either Advanced Warfighter carries an air of your initial skydive, you can even make out pretty much every area you'll visit in the Burse of your mission.

The game sounds superb too, with stirring scores accompanying the action at just the right moments, Whether defending Mexico City's equivalent Trafalgar Square from rebel tank assaults being pinned down on an arbitrary street omer, Advanced Warfighter manages to oeathe life into what could easily have been series of stale areas.

Not only is the introduction blindingly npressive, it sets you up for a level of of whatever set-piece or location weed Warfighter serves you. Moving 1 mission to mission is almost nless for the entire time you play - you'll never be ripped out of the gameworld to face briefing screens or confusing inventory menus.

Instead, missions usually end with you being extracted via Advanced Warfighter's pretty skies and setting off high above the beautiful details of the city below. A single screen then evaluates your performance, a single click loads the next mission and your often-spectacular entrance is provided by the same vehicle you left the last mission in. Simply by doing away with needless distractions, the game keeps you constantly involved and eager to turn rebellious Mexicans into bullet-ridden ragdolls.

That's not what makes it unique, however. As you may have noticed in the screenshots, Advanced Warfighter's signature visor-style HUD is more than a simple visual gimmick. Being the type of soldier suggested by the game's title, your country's vast technological superiority has developed a piece of equipment as impressive as an iPod and a George Foreman grill combined.

They've called it the Cross-Com, and it singularly elevates the game's tactical side to remarkable standards. Tying into this idea of intel-gathering pmeplay is the occasional inclusion of Cypher drones. Basically a camera mounted xi a miniature, silent helicopter these hings actually exist too , the drone will go ivhere you tell it to and relay via your Cross-Com information about enemy positions.

It's not perfect either, even from 80ft it can't see through buildings, so there's always the chance of an undetected enemy catching you off guard - a lot like encountering a plucky grunt you hadn't spotted in Far Cry. It adds a well-balanced cautionary element to your progression through an area, and one that keeps the tension high throughout.

Other features of the cunningly-implemented Cross-Com include the ability to see through your squad's visormounted cameras, or from the birdseye drone camera, or more importantly from the military UAV flying high above the city. It's not as fancy as it sounds, effectively an overhead map in realtime, but it allows you to accurately position waypoints and issue orders to your soldiers, or just scout for enemies and objectives. The more you know about your surroundings, the easier battle becomes.

Advanced Warfighter is all about using your technical superiority to the best of its potential. But what about the squads themselves? Squad-based shooters are renowned for their inept and infuriating squad Al.

Whether they're running directly into gunfire or just running backwards and forwards like senile old women, squads are a minefield of potential problems. Not so with Advanced Warfighter. Not so much. The command interface works as you'd expect it to: middle-click to produce a menu and then mousewheel up and down through the various commands.

Move, Cover and Attack are the ones you'll use most and are pretty self-explanatory. The commands you give are only carried out in a vague manner, which sometimes causes problems.

Command your men either individually or as a group to move to a wall and they'll take up defensive positions in areas of cover roughly where you told them to. Often, they'll take cover quite a distance from the place you told them to go, but while this means they won't get riddled with bullets, it often means you don't feel like you're in direct control of them.

This is remedied by the very nature of the game however, with level design and the abilities of your comrades meaning you never need to place them specifically.

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